How to enable Dark Mode on Facebook (Night)

Facebook has been for many years the social network par excellence worldwide. However, in recent times it has had to fight with a few competitors among which are: Twitter, Instagram or the newcomer TikTok. Despite this it is still ahead in many aspects as a social network, and its potential today is very large.

Facebook dark mode

Social networks have become in the XXI century as the method par excellence to socialize and establish social relationships of all kinds, friendships, love, and even work relationships have come to the world thanks to this type of applications. Therefore, it is not surprising that day by day most users spend more and more hours a day on applications such as Facebook.

With so many hours of use, one of the main drawbacks that we can get to experience is the fact that our eyes end up very tired reaching even deteriorate our eyesight over the years, and one of the causes of this is the fact of being many hours a day looking at a screen with a high brightness level and a white background. That is why it is now so common to use the Night Mode or Dark Mode on Facebook, which we will explain below how to activate on our device.

How to put the Night Mode or Dark Mode on Facebook?

To activate the Dark Mode or Night Mode on Facebook both on Android, as iOS, as in desktop version we will have to follow the following indications:

  1. Open the Facebook application.
  2. Click on the menu button.
  3. Open the settings and privacy section.
  4. Select the Dark Mode option.
  5. We will have 3 options:
    1. Activate.
    2. Disable.
    3. Use system configuration.