How to activate Dark Mode in Google Docs (Night)

Google Docs is one of the most useful tools we can find on the Internet, and there were many years in which we had problems when managing any type of document because we did not have Microsoft Word installed, or our license had expired, or the alternative program (usually OpenOffice) was not compatible with the document we wanted to manage. With the arrival of Google Docs all these problems became history.

Google Docs dark mode

This program that we do not even need to install and simply having a google account created (gmail) we can enjoy it at no cost, will allow us to view and edit text documents online, in addition to many other functions.

Its interface is very similar to Microsoft Word, and like any text editor has a white background, which combined with the brightness of our screen can cause us a great eye fatigue if we spend many hours a day in front of the screen. That is why we recommend you to use the Dark Mode in Google Docs, below we will explain how to activate it.

How to put the Night Mode or Dark Mode in Google Docs?

To activate the Dark Mode or Night Mode in Google Docs we will have to follow the following indications:

  1. Access to your Google Chrome browser
  2. Download the Google Chrome extension known as: Google Docs Dark Mode.
  3. Go to Google Docs.
  4. Open your Extensions menu.
  5. Click on Google Docs Dark Mode.
  6. Click on the extension you just downloaded: Google Docs Dark Mode.
  7. In case it doesn’t activate instantly press F5.

Enable Google Docs Dark Mode or Night Mode on Android:

To enable Dark Mode or Night Mode in Google Docs from Android devices we must do the following:

  1. Go to the Docs app on your Android phone:
  2. In the upper left corner we have the menu, we press it.
  3. We choose the Settings option.
  4. Choose Theme.
  5. We will have 3 options to select:
      1. Dark.
      2. Clear.
      3. System Default.