Enable Dark Mode in Instagram (Night Mode)

Instagram is one of the most used social networks in the world today, and in recent years it has been able to gain a lot of ground to other giants in the sector such as Facebook or Twitter. In fact it has been so successful over the years, that even the company Facebook itself decided to acquire Instagram in 2012 for an amount of one billion dollars (USD).

Instagram dark mode

Its use at the beginning was simply to be able to share your photos on your board, and that the rest of your friends could interact with that content, giving likes, or other types of reactions, commenting… However, little by little it was adding more novelties, such as Stories, which are publications that last a certain period of time, Instagram Direct, which is a private chat between 2 or more users…

All this made users spend more and more hours a day on Instagram as little by little we were having more functions that before we developed with other Apps integrated in this same application. Therefore, we recommend you to use Dark Mode or Night Mode in Instagram, to avoid eye fatigue that can cause so many hours of use a day where we look at a screen with a lot of brightness, luminosity and elements of white tones.

How to put the Night Mode or Dark Mode on Instagram (Android)?

To activate the Dark Mode or Night Mode in Instagram on Android we will have to follow the following indications:

  1. We go to the menu of our Android device
  2. Go to Settings.
  3. Click on the screen option.
  4. Select Brightness.
  5. Click on Dark Mode.
  6. Automatically Instagram as well as your entire device will go into Dark Mode

How to enable Night Mode or Dark Mode in Instagram (iOS)?

To enable Dark Mode or Night Mode in Instagram on iOS devices we will have to follow the following indications:

  1. We go to the menu of our iOS device
  2. Go to Settings.
  3. Click on the Display option.
  4. Select Brightness.
  5. Click on Dark Mode.
  6. Automatically Instagram as well as your entire device will go into Dark Mode