How to enable Dark Mode or Night Mode in Pro Tools

Pro Tools is a DAW, commonly known as a digital audio workstation (Digital Audio Workstation) that allows us to

  • Make Recordings.
  • Audio Editing.
  • Mixing multi-track audio and MIDI.
  • Mixing of audio and MIDI tracks.

It is considered by industry professionals as the reference program in this aspect, and does not have many alternatives since users know that it is the best to work this type of issues. Its only alternative is a free program known as Audacity, which does not have the same features but for a free software program has a great quality.

Pro tools dark mode

In this activity, whether it is your profession, a hobby or you are just learning how to record and edit audio, you will probably end up spending many hours a day in front of the computer screen, as it is a meticulous job that requires patience and time.

That is why we recommend you to use Night Mode or Dark Mode of Pro Tools to prevent your eyes from suffering eye fatigue, or at least minimize it, as this often happens when spending many hours in front of a screen with high brightness and light tones.

How to set the Night Mode or Dark Mode in Pro Tools?

To activate the Dark Mode or Night Mode in Pro Tools we will have to follow the following indications:

  1. Access the Pro Tools program
  2. Locate in the menu the Preferences option.
  3. Click on it.
  4. Go to the Display tab.
  5. Look for the UI Theme drop-down.
  6. We will have to choose two options.Dark (dark mode).Classic (dark mode).
  7. Select Dark.
  8. We will get a message that we must close and re-open Pro Tools.
  9. We perform this action.
  10. We can now enjoy Pro Tools in Dark Mode.